What is the Most Common Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 2.8 million people. It is more prevalent in women than men, with 1 in 5 women experiencing […]

Excursions in Rehab – 12-Step, Alum, GLAD & Outdoor Group Meetings

Since 2016, Sanford Behavioral Health has prioritized excursions into the community as a vital part of addiction treatment and recovery. Today, at Sanford West Behavioral Health Campus, recreational therapy, art therapy, and recovery outings provide residents with an opportunity to participate in real-life scenarios in the safety of treatment. Coupled with other evidence-based practices, excursions […]

ALL THINGS ALCOHOL – The Sanford Library

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and we have searched Excursions Magazine for interesting articles on alcohol. Over the years, we have interviewed people in recovery from alcohol addiction, posted current stats, and analyzed the reasons alcohol is normalized in social activities. We have opined on hangovers, detox, the joys of sober vacations, 12-step methodology, Superbowl […]

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Eating Disorders?

The long-term effects of eating disorders can significantly impact your health and mental well-being, so seeking treatment as soon as possible is important. These conditions can negatively alter a person’s life, increasing their risk of serious medical complications and long-term mental health issues. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, consider contacting Sanford Behavioral […]

Vacations Without Alcohol – Our Favorite Dry Destinations

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and it is also the time of year when we begin to think about our summer vacation. For those who are new to recovery, the thoughts of summer vacation without alcohol can be stressful. No glass of wine on the plane to “calm the nerves?” No sunset umbrella cocktail in […]

Michigan Recovery – Looking Forward to Summer

Our winter was long, and spring in the Midwest always brings a mixed message of warmer days and sleet. But part of Michigan’s charm is that blaze of blue sky after a stretch of gray days—the contrast of technicolor after sepia. And now that it’s unlikely we will get another snowstorm, we can look forward […]

Glimmers – the Antidote to Triggers

I had a friend say to me this weekend, “Everything is hard.” We were talking about technology (the ever-changing virtual landscape triggers her anxiety), but it could apply to almost any subject in the year 2024. There is a reason why 1 in 5 U.S. adults live with a mental illness. As a person in […]

Eating Disorder Admissions All-Star Team: Responsibilities and Rewards

At Sanford Comprehensive Treatment for Eating Disorders, we are proud of how we have evolved since we opened the first standalone residential treatment center for eating disorders in Michigan. Our residential program is now two years old. Over the past two-plus years, we have also developed day programs and partial day programs for eating disorders, […]

Women and Alcohol – the Newest Stats

Since 2016, Sanford Behavioral Health has been writing articles about the health hazards associated with women and alcohol. We have warned women that they can’t “drink like men.” We have also listed the biological reasons why women are more susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol. However, new data from the CDC still show that […]

Virtual Programs for Eating Disorders & Mental Health Primary

Sanford Behavioral Health has offered virtual addiction treatment options since before the pandemic. Virtual treatment or telehealth is designed for those who need help with a mental health condition but have real-life obligations like work, school, or childcare. If in-person treatment is inconvenient or impossible because of a remote location or physical restrictions, virtual options […]